Thursday, February 10, 2011

Quick Thoughts On Olbermann's Career Move

So reports say that the progressively obtuse Keith Olbermann, who recently ended his tenure at MSNBC has signed on to be the feature talent on... Wait for it... Al Gore's Current TV. (for the record, nobody really knows if he ended it, or it was ended for him, but who cares? He's gone!) His new show, whatever the hell it will be, will likely start In late May, when the "non-compete clause" in his exit agreement with NBC Universal apparently ends. So this would imply that Current TV is considered competition. Let's see... Olbermann was averaging around one million viewers a night on his MSNBC Countdown show. Current TV averages 18,000 viewers per night. Way to move up, Keith. Hopefully he will continue his slide into permanent obscurity. I may watch once or twice just to amuse myself, but that would mean actually checking to see if DirecTV even carries Current TV.

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