Thursday, January 27, 2011


When I went to London back in 2004, I needed my birth certificate in order to get a passport. Apparently, as I embarrassingly discovered, the cute little diploma looking one issued by the hospital that had real info on it doesn't qualify as an official document. But the process was pretty simple. I went to the local library, paid a fee and had the county issue me a copy of my actual birth certificate. Soon after, passport acquired.

So what I'm wondering is why is it so damn difficult for the President of the United States of America to provide a copy of his birth certificate? I'm no "birther" by any stretch, but what just kills me is why the guy just can't say look, here it is, now shut the hell up. Even though this is one controversy that I'm sick of hearing about, could you imagine the implications if it turned out he wasn't born in Hawaii? There are a lot of people out there, the so-called "birthers" who whole-heartedly believe that President Obama was born in Kenya. There are many websites dedicated to these beliefs. Check out these freaks:

Now on the other hand you've got the freaks on the left, who call these so-called "birhters" nutjobs, wingnuts and so on, yet aside from name calling, can offer up no proof that he actually is an American citizen. They feel that this is just partisan politics trying anything they can do to undermine a black president etc etc...

So is it just a game? One side says "prove you were born here!" and the other side says "we don't have to, so deal with it, racists!" That's fine and all, but wouldn't it just be so much simpler to produce the document? If there's no question that he's a citizen, then just show the document so we can begin enduring six months' worth of nose rubbing by the media. 

The issue has come front and center, again... thanks to Hawaii governor Neil Abercrombie and his short lived pledge to produce the document once and for all. First he said he had it...

...then allegedly told a reporter friend of his that he had no proof...

...then retracted the whole thing!

And now the State of Hawaii is actually looking to pass legislation that would allow them to profit from the controversy!

Nobody seems to be making this connection, but there is a relation to the drama involving the Chicago mayoral race. The subject of this drama is the question if former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanual is legally allowed to run for mayor of Chicago. The issue is his residency. Since he was in Washington, D.C. working for the administration since January 2009, he was not technically a resident of Chicago for the past 12 months, which is a requirement to run for mayor.

(UPDATE: after a ruling that his name was to be taken off the ballot, the Illinois Supreme Court ordered his name be reinstated)

But if someone who wants to be mayor of Chicago has to prove that he has been a legal resident of the city for a year, why is it a stretch that someone who wants to be President of the United States - we're talking leader of the free world - should have to prove that he is in fact a natural born citizen as required by the Constitution?

Arizona is actually proposing a law that would require Presidential candidates to do exactly that:

Allegedly several other states are doing the same, including Montana, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Texas.

Then again, there is this...

But some say this is a forgery:

Despite those little nagging bouts of curious uncertainty, I honestly think he really is a citizen. But would it hurt to prove it once and for all? One, to shut up the so-called birthers and two, to shut up the so-called journalists who love to taunt the birthers. Ah... sweet civility.

Now, about those so-called "truthers"... 

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