Friday, February 11, 2011

One More Reason I Loathe Keith Olbermann

Apparently Keith Olbermann has nothing better than to sit around and play on Twitter. (no, this is not the reason I loathe him, but his chronic, incessant "tweeting" is pathetic) He appeared to take offense to comments made by a Republican Senator yesterday.

Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, Senator Mitch McConnell said "I don't know if you've noticed, but Washington has undergone a rather bizarre transformation over the past few weeks. Olbermann is out and Reagan is in."

From Keith Olbermann's Twitter - Sen. McConnell: "Olbermann is out, and Reagan is in." Olbermann: "Olbermann is back, and Reagan is dead and he was a lousy president."

It's funny to hear people say such negative things about Reagan. Is any president perfect? Of course not. Every president is going to have supporters and detractors, but clearly Olbermann and I lived in completely different versions of the 1980s. I can't speak for everyone, but the 80s were pretty good to me and my family. And they must have been good to him because he managed to go from being a local shitty sportscaster in Los Angeles to landing a lucrative career on ESPN. And we all know how that ended.

Reagan is a man that I love and admire, and though I understand that there are people who have political agendas that demand they defame the man and his legacy, it just bothers me when people say such angry and hurtful things about him. Oprah Winfrey was on Morning Joe on MSNBC this morning calling for people who disagree with President Obama to show more respect. She said the presidency is a position that “holds a sense of authority and governance over us all,” and that “even if you’re not in support of his policies, there needs to be a certain level of respect.” I agree with her 100%, but it's interesting, because I don't recall much respect for the previous president. And mark my words, but I'm guessing that if our next president has an "R" next to his (or her) name, all of this calling for bipartisanship and respect will fall by the wayside. Remember all of those little bastard Kids who were wearing those stupid shirts with George W. Bush's picture and the caption "not my president"? I found those offensive, ignorant and somewhat sad.

So if I say that Obama is a crappy president and his policies are destroying our way of life, I am a racist, but Olbermann can say Reagan was lousy, or Bush was a fascist and he is hailed by the progressives. Olbermann deserves what he gets, which I am hoping is quickly spiraling and dying career on a network like Current TV. He certainly does not deserve any respect. And if I had a Twitter, I would "tweet" as much.

***disclaimer*** Yes, I have a Twitter. I created the account two years ago when I was planning on starting something called the "DAMN Report." Don't ask, I ain't telling. For a kick, I started "following" Olbermann strictly for amusement. I recently (last week) logged on to this account and found no fewer than 1000 tweets from Olbermann, mostly bitter and angry, and I check it once in a while now. My Twitter is @interstate19, I think. Does that make me pathetic?

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