Wednesday, January 26, 2011


First of all, I concede that beginning this blog in early December was a bad idea considering that I manage a high volume retail store. I had so much going on, and although I had many templates in my mind for postings, when I got home I had very little energy (neither physical or mental) to dedicate myself to completing anything.

I did begin and abort several postings:

One on the Bush Tax Cut Extensions, the art of the political compromise and how we've seen this movie before. Just look back at the demise of Bush 41. Three words: Read my lips. Though I doubt the media would turn on a fellow liberal as they did on George H.W. Bush, it's an interesting comparison.

One on the Tucson shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the disgusting politicizing of it. When I first heard about this shooting I immediately predicted that by the end of the day Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck would be blamed. It is absolutely disheartening how right I was. Using this shooting for political gain is one of the most reprehensible things I've ever seen in my life.

One on the unceremonious departure of Keith Olbermann. So many thoughts I have about this, I may still have a comment or two to make regarding that one.

So I'm going to be updating within the next 24 hours. I have so much on my mind, but my typing fingers just can't keep up. Maybe I need to invest in one of those voice recognition things...

Also, if anyone reads this, feel free to request an elaboration on one of these topics.

I'm also going to start working on my next edition in my "Upon Further Review" series. It's going to be a good one. Man I love music. Until next time...

And don't bother to point out that there was no "second of all." Does anyone really use a second of all?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I say second of all...LOL. I would be interested to read more about the tax cut portion.